Browse MontGuides
MSU Extension MontGuides offer current information in a concise format on many topics relevant to you.
They are sorted into categories and sub-categories, and the number includes:
AG for agriculture-relating to livestock, gardens, crop pests, etc., or
HR for human resource-relating to families, finances, nutrition, etc.
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Agriculture & Natural Resources:
Waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus): Biology, Identification, and Management-MT202211AG
Mowing to Manage Noxious Weeds-MT200104AG
Persian Darnel: Identification, Biology and Ecology-MT200411AG
Integrated Management of Weeds in Dry Peas-MT201213AG
Houndstongue: Identification, Biology, and Integrated Management-MT199709AG
Saltcedar (Tamarisk)-MT199710AG
St. Johnswort: Identification, Biology, and Integrated Management-MT199810AG
Orange Hawkweed and Meadow Hawkweed Complex-MT199816AG
Perennial Pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium)-MT199906AG
Common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)-MT199911AG
Biocontrol of Spotted Knapweed: Monitoring and Collection of Cyphocleonus achates & Larinus spp.-MT199915AG
Oxeye Daisy: Identification, Biology, and Integrated Management-MT200002AG
Poison Hemlock Conium maculatum-MT200013AG
Narrowleaf hawksbeard: Identification, Biology and Integrated Management-MT202112AG
Preventing and Managing Herbicide-Resistant Weeds in Montana-MT200506AG
Integrated strategies for managing agricultural weeds: making cropping systems less susceptible to weed colonization and establishment-MT200601AG
Weed Seedbank Dynamics & Integrated Management of Agricultural Weeds-MT200808AG
Cheatgrass: Identification, Biology and Integrated Management-MT200811AG
Black Henbane: Identification, Biology and Integrated Management-MT201005AG
Integrated Weed Management in Lentils-MT201009AG
Yellow Starthistle: Identification, Biology and Integrated Management-MT201101AG
Weed Management in Shelterbelts-MT201104AG
Weed Seed Dispersal by Vehicles-MT201105AG
Washing Vehicles to Prevent Weed Seed Dispersal-MT201106AG
Western Salsify-MT201113AG
Tall Buttercup: Identification, Biology and Integrated Management-MT201502AG
Biology, identification, & management of glyphosate-resistant horseweed (marestail, Conyza canadensis)-MT201608AG
Common Buckthorn-MT201708AG
Herbicide-Resistant Kochia-MT201806AG
Yellow Starthistle-MT201808AG
Downy Brome-MT201814AG
Herbicide-Resistant Plants: Russian Thistle-MT201816AG
Dyer's Woad-MT201820AG
Rush Skeletonweed-MT201902AG
Field Bindweed-MT201903AG
Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri)-MT202011AG