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Browse MontGuides

MSU Extension MontGuides offer current information in a concise format on many topics relevant to you. They are sorted into categories and sub-categories, and the number includes: AG for agriculture-relating to livestock, gardens, crop pests, etc., or HR for human resource-relating to families, finances, nutrition, etc. To order printed MontGuides or see a PDF, find MontGuides in our store.

Agriculture & Natural Resources:

Farm Management

  • What is the Farm Service Agency (FSA)?-MT202210AG
  • Using Growing Degree Days to Predict Plant Stages-MT200103AG
  • An Introduction to the Principles and Practices of Sustainable Farming-MT200813AG
  • Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)-MT201501AG
  • Grazing Leases-MT201601AG
  • Beef Cattle Share Leases-MT201607AG
  • Contributions Approach to Pasture Leasing: A Pasture Lease Calculator-MT201815AG
  • Animal Unit Month (AUM) Lease Rates-MT202103AG
  • Montana Budgets for Organic Crops-MT202212AG
  • Montana Prescribed Burning Rules and Regulations-MT202302AG

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