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Heirloom Vegetables for Montana Gardens

Did vegetables really taste better in the “good old days”? Is an heirloom ‘Brandywine’ tomato that much better than a hybrid ‘Early Girl?’ It depends, of course, on how you define “better” and “superior” and it depends upon individual preferences.

Last Updated: 03/20
by Cheryl Moore-Gough, Extension Horticulturist


different things to different people, but in general, an heirloom cultivar is one that first appeared more than 50 years ago and often has a documented and interesting history.

Gardeners today are excited about raising heirloom vegetables, even though they generally have poor pest resistance compared to modern hybrids. There is a certain charm about being able to enjoy flavors and textures our forefathers experienced. It is a gardener’s way of touching a long-gone era.

Heirloom names are romantic and colorful. ‘Lazy Housewife,’ also known as ‘White Cranberry’ pole bean, was brought to America by German immigrants about the time of the Civil War. The bean is stringless and very productive and its name implies that even a lazy housewife had time to prepare it for dinner.

In past times, most vegetables were “open pollinated,” meaning that they crossed readily with others of their species.

There were no “man-made” hybrids, so seeds taken from fruit and planted the following year came “true,” or nearly so; that is, they reproduced nearly identical to the parent. For example, if you planted seed from ‘Country Gentleman’ sweet corn or ‘Bloomsdale Long Standing’ spinach, both pollinated by wind, you got ‘Country Gentleman’ or ‘Bloomsdale Long Standing’ again, so long as there were no other corn or spinach cultivars within a mile or so. Other open-pollinated vegetables, like the crucifers, radish, carrots, endive, leeks and onions, parsley, rutabaga and parsnip, are pollinated by insects and need only about 200 yards of isolation from other cultivars.

And best of all, peas, beans, lettuce and many tomatoes are self-pollinated and should need no isolation whatsoever. It’s easy to save their seeds for next season and you can plant more than one cultivar in the garden without fear of “contamination.” Plant them at opposite ends of the garden though, just to be sure. What is now the standard practice of purchasing all seeds only began in earnest after World War II. Until that time, and for about 20 years after, many gardeners saved the seeds from their best open-pollinated plants to plant year after year.

During the 1950s and 60s, hybrid crops that were generally more vigorous and pest resistant and produced pretty, uniform fruit became mainstream. But seed saved from ‘Bodaceous’ F1 hybrid sweet corn and planted the following year will not produce ‘Bodaceous’ sweet corn, as the corn genes segregate in the second generation. As the old cultivars disappeared, we lost something less tangible. Perhaps we miss the imperfections (and colorful names) of ‘Bull’s Blood’ beet, ‘Rhode Island Asylum’ sweet corn, and ‘Cow’s Horn’ carrots. They came from a simpler time; they had character.

In the 1970s, reactionary gardeners rejected the “perfect” hybrids and began to turn back to the heirloom cultivars to rediscover the trials and tribulations of gardening a century or more ago. But heirlooms have their downsides. Many are adapted only locally. What grows well in Maryland may not perform at all in Malta, Montana.

Many need a long season to mature or require too much space for today’s gardens. As mentioned above, most have poor pest resistance, and all the blemishes that come from a wilder, more romantic era. Nevertheless, by careful choice you can find an heirloom that is right.



The author would like to acknowledge the original author of this MontGuide, Dr. Bob Gough, former Extension Horticulture Specialist.


Vegetable Cultivar Season (days) Year Introduced & Origin Notes


Phaseolus vulgaris

Burpee’s Stringless Green Pod 50 – 55 1894 (NY) Heat and drought tolerant. Claimed to be the only stringless green-podded bush bean.
Lazy Wife (White Cranberry) 75 – 80 1810 (PA) Claimed to be the first stringless pole snap bean. Several stories circulate regarding the source of the name.
Kentucky Wonder (Old Homestead) 58 – 72 1850s (KY) Originally sold in 1864 as ‘Texas Pole’; reintroduced in 1877 as ’Kentucky Wonder.’ Very popular and widely adapted pole bean.
Black Valentine 48 – 70 Before 1850 6” pods have shiny black seeds. Snap bean when young; shell when mature.
Scarlet Runner 65 – 90 1600s (South America) One of the oldest runner beans still planted. Use for snap or shell.


Beta vulgaris var. crassa

Bull’s Blood 35 1800s (Netherlands) Grown for dark red leaves; no edible root.
Chioggia 55 1840s (Italy) Pretty candy stripe rings are retained if baked whole and sliced just before serving.
Detroit Dark Red 55 – 60 1892 (United States) The beet standard; good for table or canning; tasty greens.
Early Wonder 50 – 60 1911 (United States) Best of the earliest beet roots. Also good for greens.
Golden Beet 55 – 60 Before 1828 Orange roots turn golden when cooked. Tasty tops. Low germination.


Brassica oleracea var. italica

Calabrese 60 – 90 1880s (Italy) 8” head. Multiple side shoots follow main harvest. Freezes well.
DeCicco 48 – 85 1890 (Italy) 4” head. Multiple side shoots follow main harvest. Long harvest period.

Brussels sprouts

Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera

Long Island Improved

85 – 115


Semi-dwarf. Main commercial cultivar before advent of hybrids.


Brassica oleracea var.capitata

Early Jersey Wakefield 60 – 75 1840 (England) Very early conical heads. Small plants may be planted closely.
Danish Ballhead 85 – 110 15th Century (Denmark) Bolt and split resistant. Does well in cool seasons.


Daucus carota

Chantenay Red Cored 60 – 75 Late 1800s (Europe) Good for heavy soils. Sweetens in storage. Roots 5” – 7” long.
Danvers Half Long 65 – 87 1871 (MA) Stores well.
Imperator 70 – 75 1928 (US) AAS selection3. 8” to 9” long roots require loose soil.
Oxheart (Guernade) 70 – 80 1884 (France) Short thick roots. Stores well. Good for heavy soil.


Brassica oleracea var.botrytis

Early Snowball

60 – 85


6 – 7” heads. Small plants mature over 2-3 weeks.

Corn, Sweet

Zea mays

Country Gentleman (Shoe Peg) 88 – 100 1890 (CT) White corn with deep, small ‘shoe peg’ (non-rowed) kernels.
Stowell’s Evergreen 80 – 100 1849 (NJ) Once a leading white cultivar for home and market growers.
Golden Bantam 70 – 85 1902 (MA) One of the first yellow sweet corns considered suitable for human use. Remains the standard for open-pollinated sweet corn.


Cucumis sativus

Lemon 58 – 70 1894 (Australia) Slicing. Looks like a lemon and is a great kid pleaser.
Japanese Climbing 58 – 65 1892 (Japan) Slicing. Best for trellises, wire netting or fences.
Straight 8 52 – 75 1935 (United States) AAS selection. Mosaic resistant. 8” – 9” fruit.


Allium sativum

Chesnok Red (Shvelisi) Sept. to Aug. (Georgia Republic)1 8 to 12 cloves per bulb; purple striped. Hardneck.
Inchelium Red Sept. to Aug. (WA)1 Large bulbs with 8 to 20 cloves. Artichoke type. Softneck.
Spanish Roja Sept. to Aug. Before 1900 6 to 13 cloves per bulb. Rocambole type. Hardneck.

1 Date Uncertain 2 Origin Uncertain


Vegetable Cultivar Season (days) Year Introduced & Origin Notes


Brassica oleracea var.acephala

Red Russian (Buda Kale, Ragged Jack) 50 – 60 1863 (Russia) Brought to Canada by Russian traders. Leaves with red veins. Hardy to-10°F and may overwinter.
Lacinato (Tuscan Black Palm) 62 1885 (Italy) Primitive, open growth habit; leaves heavily savoyed (puckered). Heat and cold tolerant.


Brassica oleracea var.gongylodes

Early White Vienna 55 – 60 Before 1860 (Austria) Pale green globes. Developed in Austria in the 1840s and introduced into the U.S. in the 1860s.
Early Purple Vienna 55 – 60 Before 1860 Attractive purple globes.


Allium ampeloprasum var.porrum

Blue Solaise (Bleu de Solaise) 105 (France)1 Very ornamental, turning violet after a hard frost. Very hardy and good for short seasons.
Giant Musselburgh 80 – 150 1870 (Scotland) Hardy and mild.


Lactuca sativa

Black Seeded Simpson 50 – 55 1850 Also known as ‘First Early,’ ‘Earliest Cutting,’ ‘Carters Long Standing’ and ‘Longstreaths Earliest.’ Widely adapted.
Green Oakleaf 50 1771, possibly 1686 Also known as ‘Baltimore’ or ‘Philadelphia Oakleaf.’
Red Deer Tongue 60 – 65 1740s There is also a green cultivar. Grown in most pioneer gardens.
Tennis Ball 50 Before 1804 7” diameter loose heads. Grown by Thomas Jefferson.
Tom Thumb 50 – 55 1830 (England) Small butterhead is perfect for small home gardens.
Forellenschuss (Trout Back) 55 – 65 17932 Many spotted cultivars have confused backgrounds.


Cucumis melo

Emerald Gem 70 – 90 1886 (United States) The most popular melon in the late 19th century.
Jenny Lind 70 – 85 Before 1846 (Armenia)2 Early maturing and good for northern gardens. Short, disease resistant plants.


Allium cepa

Ailsa Craig 100 1887 (England)2 Best for fresh use. Yellow-skinned.
Yellow Ebenezer 100 1906 (Japan) Early maturing. Good for northern gardens.
Allium fistulosum Evergreen White Bunching 60 – 80 1880s Grown for green onions as they do not form bulbs. Hardy.


Pastinaca sativa

Hollow Crown 95 – 135 Before 1852 Still a widely-grown commercial cultivar.


Pisum sativum

Dwarf Gray Sugar 60 – 75 Before 1773 Edible pod. Stringless and fiberless. Does not require staking.
Thomas Laxton 55 – 65 1898 Shell pea named for a famous pea breeder. Good for freezing.


Capsicum annuum

Jimmy Nardello’s Sweet Italian Frying Pepper (Nardello) 80 – 90 1887 (Italy) Stake to support heavy fruit load. Pungent green fruits ripen to a sweet red. Good for frying or for tomato sauce.


Solanum tuberosum

Irish Cobbler 90 Before 1876 (NJ) Selected from a seed ball of ‘Early Rose’ by an Irish shoemaker.

Russet Burbank (Netted Gem)


1874 (CA)
Also selected from a seed ball of ‘Early Rose’.NOTE: Always purchase certified disease free seed to protect Montana’s potato industry. Never plant table stock.

1 Date Uncertain 2 Origin Uncertain


Vegetable Cultivar Season (days) Year Introduced & Origin Notes

Pumpkin and Squash

Cucurbita spp.

Table Queen 59 – 90 1913 (US) Believed to have been developed from a strain grown by the Arikara tribe. Vines are 6 – 8’ long. Acorn type winter squash.
Delicata 80 – 100 1894 (US) Uncommon since the 1920s, it has recently reappeared in seed catalogs. Winter squash.
Early Yellow Summer Crookneck 50 – 55 About 1700 (US) Easy to grow bush summer squash.
Fordhook Acorn 56 – 85 1890 (US) Burpee isolated this from the Mandan-Arikara squash. Vining plant.
White Bush Scallop (Patty Pan) 45 – 55 Before 1722 (US) White and yellow bush scallop of Native American origin.
Small Sugar 80 – 110 Before 1860 (US) Small pumpkin fruit about 6” in diameter; very good for pies.


Raphanus sativus

French Breakfast 30 1879 Red with a white tip. Blunt, oblong shape.
White Icicle (Lady Finger, White Naples, White Italian) 27 – 32 Before 1896 Long white carrot-shaped roots.


Spinacea oleracea

Bloomsdale Long Standing 39 – 60 1925 Leaves are dark and glossy, crumpled, twisted and savoyed. Heavy yielding, slow bolting.
Tetragonia tetragonioides New Zealand 50 – 70 1770 (New Zealand) Not a true spinach but used as spinach. Large spreading plants.

Swiss Chard

Beta vulgaris var. cicla

Five Color Silver Beet (Rainbow Chard) 50 – 60 1 (Europe) Variable midrib colors. Tasty mild foliage. Vigorous grower.
Fordhook Giant 50 – 60 About 1750 Very vigorous white stalks.
Rhubarb Chard 50 – 60 1857 (Europe) Also known as Ruby Chard. Pretty deep red, juicy stalks.


Solanum lycopersicon

Black Sea Man 75 Russia1 Large, pinkish-brown, rich tasting fruits are excellent for slicing. Determinate.
Brandywine 90 1885 Large pink beefsteak fruit are arguably one of the best tasting available. Indeterminate vines. May be too late for most Montana gardens.
Cherokee Purple 80 Before 1890 (TN) Dark green shoulders and brownish purple skin. Flavor rivals ‘Brandywine’. Indeterminate vines.
Riesentraube 75 – 80 Before 1847 Grown by Pennsylvania Dutch, the name translates as “giant bunches of grapes.” 1” diameter fruits. Indeterminate vines.
Trophy 80 1870 Slicing. Indeterminate vines.


Brassica rapa

Purple Top White Globe 45 – 65 Before 1880 Stores well. Best for eating when 3 – 4” in diameter. The standard for garden turnips.

1 Date Uncertain 2 Origin Uncertain

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