Tips and Tricks for Saving Money at the Grocery Store

by Carrie Krug
is a Family and Consumer Sciences and 4-H Youth Development MSU Extension agent in Carbon County.

While prices are always increasing, costs have increased more than usual for some foods in the past year. The US Bureau of Labor and Statistics (2022) has provided a Consumer Price Index to see changes in food prices throughout the past year. From November 2021 to November 2022, prices for flour and prepared flour mixes have increased by 24.9%, eggs have increased by 49.1%, butter and margarine have increased by 34.2%, and lunchmeats have increased by 18.4%. These price increases are just a few notable and significant increases. Not all food prices have increased, however. For the same period, prices decreased for bacon and related products by -1.1%, beef and veal by -5.2%, and uncooked beef roast by -8.1%.

With the increase in food costs, finding ways to save money at the grocery store might seem challenging, however, it is not impossible. Sara Berndt, the Director of Online Marketing and Technology for FT Reynolds Co. (which owns and operates five Reynolds Market stores in Eastern Montana), has shared some tips and tricks to help save money at the grocery store.

In addition to Berndt’s suggestions, America Saves, a campaign through the Consumer Federation of America has more tips to help save money on food.

The tips and tricks shared are good starting points for helping save money on food. Try picking a few to start with and incorporate them into a trip to the grocery store or try meal planning and sticking to the plan. Making minor changes can add up to savings over time.