How to Talk to Loved Ones Who Disagree with You

by Heather L. Voorhees
Assistant Professor of Communication Studies, University of Montana

Considering the global pandemic, increasing political division, and international tensions, it can feel like we are living in a time of constant conflict—and the stress of contentious national and world affairs may be trickling into our close relationships.

Perhaps you have recently lost touch with a friend after a political disagreement. Maybe time with family members is now strained because of COVID-related arguments. Or maybe you simply find yourself constantly walking on eggshells these days to avoid a misunderstanding. When it comes to big, important topics—religion, politics, economic policy, to name a few—conflict between family members and friends might not be totally avoidable, but it is manageable.

The following are research-based communication insights on how to handle conflict with friends, loved ones, co-workers, and others. Not every tactic will work in every situation, but hopefully something below will resonate and help you feel more confident communicating with the people you care about—even if you disagree with them.

First, stop thinking you can “teach” someone why they’re “wrong.” It’s tempting to think that people disagree simply because they don’t have the “right” information – if they only knew the facts, they would definitely change their mind, right? Wrong. Research has shown that preaching to someone can actually strengthen their opposing belief. When someone feels attacked or belittled, or that you are taking away their freedom or personal control, they dig in their heels and double-down on their intention to protect their autonomy by contradicting you—this is called reactance. Resist the urge to send relatives and friends that news story online that “proves them wrong,” or an article by a so-called expert on your side. It won’t help, and it will probably make things worse.  

Ensure you truly understand their viewpoint, in the first place. Very often, we make assumptions and generalizations without having all the information: “He voted for Candidate Z? He must not care at all about the environment.” Direct Perception Checking is a quick, three-step process to help truly understand where someone’s coming from. It’s as easy as Describe, Offer Multiple Interpretations, and Ask for Clarification.

Try Motivational Interviewing. Instead of asking someone to change, it’s more productive to help them want to change. Motivational Interviewing is a tool developed by clinical psychologists to help people overcome addiction, improve their diets—even to reach peaceful divorce settlements. It is not convincing or persuading someone to change, it’s the process of helping someone work through complex (and perhaps contradictory) feelings about a behavior or belief, while still respecting their autonomy and freedom of choice. Sometimes when people are asked to vocalize their beliefs, they find inconsistencies between their beliefs and their behaviors and become motivated to shrink that gap. It goes something like this:

Remember, you’re not trying to “win” this conversation, and you can’t expect someone to immediately change their mind. Motivational Interviewing simply encourages the other person to re-consider their actions, and gives them a safe space to re-think their beliefs.