Ten Tips for an Active Winter

by Carrie Ashe
MSU Extension Nutrition Education Coordinator

Montana winters can be beautiful and can encourage physical activity for those who love outdoor activities. For others, winter can feel like a time to hibernate. To help get the recommended 30 minutes of physical activity a day for adults, or 60 minutes for youth, here are some ideas for staying active during the long and chilly winter months.

For all types of physical activity, make sure to hydrate, dress appropriately, and participate safely. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services suggest that people with chronic conditions consult their healthcare provider about the types and amount of activity that is safe for them. Be active, stay safe, and enjoy winter in Montana!

GET OUTSIDE AND PLAY Outdoor activities do not have to cost money, and can be fun for all ages. Consider building a snow fort, making snow angels, or creating a snow family.

JOIN A GYM Join a local gym or fitness club if your resources allow. Join with a friend or your family for added motivation.

CREATE AN INDOOR OBSTACLE COURSE Combinations of movements can be strung together to make a fun routine. Consider moving throughout your home doing push-ups, situps, stairs, jumping jacks, martial arts, or yoga and stretching movements. For kids, each movement can get them closer to a flag, at which point they turn back and do the activities in reverse.

TRY DVDs OR ONLINE VIDEOS No time for the gym? Put in a workout DVD or search for free online videos. 

TRY A WINTER SPORT Montana is full of outdoor recreation opportunities. Consider downhill or cross- country skiing, sledding, snowshoeing, or ice skating.

DO CHORES Cleaning and chores count as physical activity if you are actively moving your body, plus, you’ll be checking two things off your to-do list. Consider tasks like shoveling snow and vacuuming.

GET WALKING It could be indoor if you have a gym or community space to use, or outdoor if you want fresh air.

JUST DANCE All it takes is some music!

USE YOUR COMMUNITY Do you have an open gym at a local school? Swimming pools? Intramural sports? Is there an Extension Strong Women Class? Learn about your community and use its resources.

Be active your way: whatever movement you enjoy, just do it! People tend to stick with activities they enjoy.