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Consider an Engine Block Heater

2018 Winter
by MSU Extension

the plug-in end of a grounded black extension cord

Keeping a vehicle running in Montana during the winter months may require extra preparation, especially if a garage is not available. When temperatures drop, the oil in your car thickens and may cause added friction in the engine. Keeping the engine warm can improve fuel efficiency, keep emissions lower and reduce wear and tear on the engine.

When temperatures drop below zero degrees F sources including the Canadian Automobile Association recommend “plugging in your car.” While newer vehicles may start, wear on the engine can still occur and fuel efficiency may decline when started cold. Many vehicles purchased in Montana will come fitted with a block heater. These have a cord hanging out of the grill or tucked just inside the hood that should be plugged into a three-wire, three-pronged extension cord rated for outdoor winter use for 2-4 hours before driving. If your vehicle doesn’t have a block heater, having one installed by a local automotive technician or dealer may be recommended. External oil-pan heaters are also available; some are magnetic, (which will not stick to an aluminum or stainless-steel pan), some are attached to the oil pan using RTV silicone.

Other tips for getting your auto ready for winter include: checking tire wear and air pressure, testing the battery and cleaning the terminals, and inspecting the wiper blades. For additional information on preparing your vehicle for the winter, visit: