
Powder River County

Fully engaged youth

Published: 2022
By Mary Rumph
Powder River County 4-H membership has increased to 86 members and 20 volunteer leaders. Youth of all ages participated at differing levels throughout the year. Youth Development: 4-H Mini-Congress was planned and facilitated by nine teen 4-H members. Twenty-five third through sixth-grade youth attended the “How to Train Your Dragon” event held at the High School on New Year’s Day. Workshops led by teens included making dragon snacks, creating masks, and playing games. A cornhole tournament, movie, and pizza rounded out the adventure. Positive interaction between teens and younger members created a safe and fun event. Camp Needmore was attended by 21 Powder River County 4-H members and one teen counselor. MSU Extension agents facilitated an “Outdoor Activities” workshop which covered “Leave No Trace,” watercolor ceramic tiles, and the life cycle of the Pacific Salmon. The activities were active and engaging and the weather was delightful! Seven members and two chaperones attended the 4-H OREO trip for seventh and eighth-grade youth. The youth joined 23 other 4-H members from southeastern Montana on a trip to Glendive. Highlights of the trip included hiking Makoshika Park, touring Dawson Community College, kayaking, swimming and learning the value of recycling by working at the GROW Recycling Center.
Teen leader Becca Aye works with 4-H member Anna Hagedorn to create trail mix during a Mini-Congress workshop.