
Madison-Jefferson Counties

Land Stewardship Workshop

Published: 2022
By Kaleena Miller
In October, we teamed with our local partners at the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Ruby Valley Conservation District, and the Madison Conservation District to hold a Land Stewardship for Small Acreages Workshop. One major goal for this event was to introduce smaller-acreage landowners to common land use topics and associated resources. More than 50 Madison County residents gathered to hear from local experts on wildlife, water rights, noxious weeds, pasture management, and understanding soils. The information shared provided attendees with resources and ideas on how to be responsible stewards of the land. One participant shared “You did a remarkable job of bringing a broadly diverse representation of numerous agencies, and the tone of them all was ‘we are here to help’.” A workshop recording was posted on the MSU Extension YouTube page for those who could not attend.
Local agency staff take questions during the workshop.