
Phillips County

Crop productions hampered by moisture during harvest

Published: 2019
By Marko Manoukian
The annual crop tours were held during July 2019. Over 50 growers attended to hear from Montana State University Specialists. Montana State University Plant Pathologist, Dr. Allen Dyer discussed breeding for resistance to Fusarium crown rot. Partial resistance to Fusarium crown rot is available and has been acquired by the Dyer program. He is providing growers with a spring wheat plant that does not expose it root collar below ground where it can become infected. Dr. Tim Seipel, Montana State University Extension Crop Weed Specialist, discussed weed resistance and small chemistry changes in herbicides. This is due to the fact that there has not been any new chemistry developed in herbicides since 1980’s. The crop tours foreshadowed a wet harvest for area grain producers. In August and September, we received over 5 inches of rain, 2.4 inches more than normal. Crops were literally flattened and difficult to harvest. Some grain crops were never harvested due to the wet conditions.
Crop Tour