
Missoula County

Missoula County Extension, Family and Consumer Sciences Summary for 2019

Published: 2019
By Kelly Moore
Whether it’s mixing a vinaigrette for an edible flower salad, making strawberry jam from backyard garden strawberries, or blending Western Agricultural Research Center grown Haskap berries into smoothies, Missoula County/MSU Extension continues to have a part in satisfying appetites for locally produced foods, cooking classes, food preservation, recipes, and gardening. Meat pressure canning classes with the Missoula Urban Indian Health Center, a chili pepper class in preparation for a chili pepper eating contest at this year’s Western Montana Fair, and a multi-generational cooking class at the Missoula Food Bank are just some examples of how strong local partnerships continue to make Missoula County Extension FCS programs so successful. Missoula Aging Services and Providence Diabetes and Nutrition Education Center are vital partners in FCS Extension programs like The Montana Kinship Navigator Program (a monthly support group for kinship caregivers and grandparents raising grandchildren), Powerful Tools For Caregivers -2 classes/ year offered for caregiver support and education with Missoula Aging Services and the Providence Diabetes Education inter-active cooking classes held at Natural Grocers-4 classes/year. 95% of participants reported that as a result of completing the DEEP program, they felt more able to take an active role in their self-care, doctor visits, exercise, and nutrition. As the complications from dementia and Alzheimer’s continue to have greater impact on many Missoula County families, our health care systems, and services, Extension is taking an active role in providing education and research- based programs such as Powerful Tools For CaregiversGuides/ by Dr. Marsha Goetting) for persons with memory loss at Missoula Aging Services, at local Alzheimer’s Assoc. sponsored activities, and the Missoula Public Library to name a few. As a new member of Dementia Friendly Missoula, I have been involved in training that encourages Missoula area businesses to become “Dementia Friendly Missoula” certified. By displaying a DFM decal, it is implied that there exists a better understanding of the disease and a tolerance of customers who suffer from it. As a certified Safe Zone co-facilitator (an MSU sanctioned program designed to increase awareness and acceptance of the LGBTQIA community as related to the university's non-discrimination policy), I was able to take part in teaching Module 1 at the regional HOPWA meeting in Missoula. Taking advantage of continuing education opportunities allows me as as FCS agent, to deliver the latest information,research, and materials. As a MTKNP ( formerly Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Program) state task force member, I attended the 2019 International Generations United Conference in Portland which inspired me to begin an intergenerational cooking series at the Misssoula Food Bank. Three classes have been scheduled and full registration already.